Source code for scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.httpcache

from __future__ import annotations

from email.utils import formatdate
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union

from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet.error import (
from twisted.web.client import ResponseFailed

from scrapy import signals
from scrapy.crawler import Crawler
from scrapy.exceptions import IgnoreRequest, NotConfigured
from scrapy.http.request import Request
from scrapy.http.response import Response
from scrapy.settings import Settings
from scrapy.spiders import Spider
from scrapy.statscollectors import StatsCollector
from scrapy.utils.misc import load_object

    # typing.Self requires Python 3.11
    from typing_extensions import Self

[docs]class HttpCacheMiddleware: DOWNLOAD_EXCEPTIONS = ( defer.TimeoutError, TimeoutError, DNSLookupError, ConnectionRefusedError, ConnectionDone, ConnectError, ConnectionLost, TCPTimedOutError, ResponseFailed, OSError, ) def __init__(self, settings: Settings, stats: StatsCollector) -> None: if not settings.getbool("HTTPCACHE_ENABLED"): raise NotConfigured self.policy = load_object(settings["HTTPCACHE_POLICY"])(settings) = load_object(settings["HTTPCACHE_STORAGE"])(settings) self.ignore_missing = settings.getbool("HTTPCACHE_IGNORE_MISSING") self.stats = stats @classmethod def from_crawler(cls, crawler: Crawler) -> Self: assert crawler.stats o = cls(crawler.settings, crawler.stats) crawler.signals.connect(o.spider_opened, signal=signals.spider_opened) crawler.signals.connect(o.spider_closed, signal=signals.spider_closed) return o def spider_opened(self, spider: Spider) -> None: def spider_closed(self, spider: Spider) -> None: def process_request( self, request: Request, spider: Spider ) -> Union[Request, Response, None]: if request.meta.get("dont_cache", False): return None # Skip uncacheable requests if not self.policy.should_cache_request(request): request.meta["_dont_cache"] = True # flag as uncacheable return None # Look for cached response and check if expired cachedresponse: Optional[Response] = spider, request ) if cachedresponse is None: self.stats.inc_value("httpcache/miss", spider=spider) if self.ignore_missing: self.stats.inc_value("httpcache/ignore", spider=spider) raise IgnoreRequest(f"Ignored request not in cache: {request}") return None # first time request # Return cached response only if not expired cachedresponse.flags.append("cached") if self.policy.is_cached_response_fresh(cachedresponse, request): self.stats.inc_value("httpcache/hit", spider=spider) return cachedresponse # Keep a reference to cached response to avoid a second cache lookup on # process_response hook request.meta["cached_response"] = cachedresponse return None def process_response( self, request: Request, response: Response, spider: Spider ) -> Union[Request, Response]: if request.meta.get("dont_cache", False): return response # Skip cached responses and uncacheable requests if "cached" in response.flags or "_dont_cache" in request.meta: request.meta.pop("_dont_cache", None) return response # RFC2616 requires origin server to set Date header, # if "Date" not in response.headers: response.headers["Date"] = formatdate(usegmt=True) # Do not validate first-hand responses cachedresponse: Optional[Response] = request.meta.pop("cached_response", None) if cachedresponse is None: self.stats.inc_value("httpcache/firsthand", spider=spider) self._cache_response(spider, response, request, cachedresponse) return response if self.policy.is_cached_response_valid(cachedresponse, response, request): self.stats.inc_value("httpcache/revalidate", spider=spider) return cachedresponse self.stats.inc_value("httpcache/invalidate", spider=spider) self._cache_response(spider, response, request, cachedresponse) return response def process_exception( self, request: Request, exception: Exception, spider: Spider ) -> Union[Request, Response, None]: cachedresponse: Optional[Response] = request.meta.pop("cached_response", None) if cachedresponse is not None and isinstance( exception, self.DOWNLOAD_EXCEPTIONS ): self.stats.inc_value("httpcache/errorrecovery", spider=spider) return cachedresponse return None def _cache_response( self, spider: Spider, response: Response, request: Request, cachedresponse: Optional[Response], ) -> None: if self.policy.should_cache_response(response, request): self.stats.inc_value("httpcache/store", spider=spider), request, response) else: self.stats.inc_value("httpcache/uncacheable", spider=spider)