Source code for scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.retry

An extension to retry failed requests that are potentially caused by temporary
problems such as a connection timeout or HTTP 500 error.

You can change the behaviour of this middleware by modifying the scraping settings:
RETRY_TIMES - how many times to retry a failed page
RETRY_HTTP_CODES - which HTTP response codes to retry

Failed pages are collected on the scraping process and rescheduled at the end,
once the spider has finished crawling all regular (non-failed) pages.

from __future__ import annotations

from logging import Logger, getLogger
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from scrapy.exceptions import NotConfigured
from scrapy.utils.misc import load_object
from scrapy.utils.python import global_object_name
from scrapy.utils.response import response_status_message

    # typing.Self requires Python 3.11
    from typing_extensions import Self

    from scrapy.crawler import Crawler
    from scrapy.http import Response
    from scrapy.http.request import Request
    from scrapy.settings import BaseSettings
    from scrapy.spiders import Spider

retry_logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def get_retry_request( request: Request, *, spider: Spider, reason: str | Exception | type[Exception] = "unspecified", max_retry_times: int | None = None, priority_adjust: int | None = None, logger: Logger = retry_logger, stats_base_key: str = "retry", ) -> Request | None: """ Returns a new :class:`~scrapy.Request` object to retry the specified request, or ``None`` if retries of the specified request have been exhausted. For example, in a :class:`~scrapy.Spider` callback, you could use it as follows:: def parse(self, response): if not response.text: new_request_or_none = get_retry_request( response.request, spider=self, reason='empty', ) return new_request_or_none *spider* is the :class:`~scrapy.Spider` instance which is asking for the retry request. It is used to access the :ref:`settings <topics-settings>` and :ref:`stats <topics-stats>`, and to provide extra logging context (see :func:`logging.debug`). *reason* is a string or an :class:`Exception` object that indicates the reason why the request needs to be retried. It is used to name retry stats. *max_retry_times* is a number that determines the maximum number of times that *request* can be retried. If not specified or ``None``, the number is read from the :reqmeta:`max_retry_times` meta key of the request. If the :reqmeta:`max_retry_times` meta key is not defined or ``None``, the number is read from the :setting:`RETRY_TIMES` setting. *priority_adjust* is a number that determines how the priority of the new request changes in relation to *request*. If not specified, the number is read from the :setting:`RETRY_PRIORITY_ADJUST` setting. *logger* is the logging.Logger object to be used when logging messages *stats_base_key* is a string to be used as the base key for the retry-related job stats """ settings = spider.crawler.settings assert spider.crawler.stats stats = spider.crawler.stats retry_times = request.meta.get("retry_times", 0) + 1 if max_retry_times is None: max_retry_times = request.meta.get("max_retry_times") if max_retry_times is None: max_retry_times = settings.getint("RETRY_TIMES") if retry_times <= max_retry_times: logger.debug( "Retrying %(request)s (failed %(retry_times)d times): %(reason)s", {"request": request, "retry_times": retry_times, "reason": reason}, extra={"spider": spider}, ) new_request: Request = request.copy() new_request.meta["retry_times"] = retry_times new_request.dont_filter = True if priority_adjust is None: priority_adjust = settings.getint("RETRY_PRIORITY_ADJUST") new_request.priority = request.priority + priority_adjust if callable(reason): reason = reason() if isinstance(reason, Exception): reason = global_object_name(reason.__class__) stats.inc_value(f"{stats_base_key}/count") stats.inc_value(f"{stats_base_key}/reason_count/{reason}") return new_request stats.inc_value(f"{stats_base_key}/max_reached") logger.error( "Gave up retrying %(request)s (failed %(retry_times)d times): %(reason)s", {"request": request, "retry_times": retry_times, "reason": reason}, extra={"spider": spider}, ) return None
[docs] class RetryMiddleware: def __init__(self, settings: BaseSettings): if not settings.getbool("RETRY_ENABLED"): raise NotConfigured self.max_retry_times = settings.getint("RETRY_TIMES") self.retry_http_codes = {int(x) for x in settings.getlist("RETRY_HTTP_CODES")} self.priority_adjust = settings.getint("RETRY_PRIORITY_ADJUST") self.exceptions_to_retry = tuple( load_object(x) if isinstance(x, str) else x for x in settings.getlist("RETRY_EXCEPTIONS") ) @classmethod def from_crawler(cls, crawler: Crawler) -> Self: return cls(crawler.settings) def process_response( self, request: Request, response: Response, spider: Spider ) -> Request | Response: if request.meta.get("dont_retry", False): return response if response.status in self.retry_http_codes: reason = response_status_message(response.status) return self._retry(request, reason, spider) or response return response def process_exception( self, request: Request, exception: Exception, spider: Spider ) -> Request | Response | None: if isinstance(exception, self.exceptions_to_retry) and not request.meta.get( "dont_retry", False ): return self._retry(request, exception, spider) return None def _retry( self, request: Request, reason: str | Exception | type[Exception], spider: Spider, ) -> Request | None: max_retry_times = request.meta.get("max_retry_times", self.max_retry_times) priority_adjust = request.meta.get("priority_adjust", self.priority_adjust) return get_retry_request( request, reason=reason, spider=spider, max_retry_times=max_retry_times, priority_adjust=priority_adjust, )